
Studio Smack

(Photo by Robert van den Berge © All rights reserved)Studio Smack has existed since the dawn of time. Since its foundation it has always attracted artists from the art world's elite, providing them with the perfect workspace and all the necessary tools to create the finest works of art. In the winter of 2005 Studio Smack recruited Ton Meijdam, Thom Snels and Béla Zsigmond. All three of them studied at the AKV|St.Joost in Breda (Art Academy). Before now their animated fims gained awards at international film festivals.

BUTFF zoekt vrijwilligers

BUTFF vrijwilligers

Meehelpen in het team van BUTFF??
Voel jij je aangesproken door de BUTFF thema's en heb je zin om samen met filmfreaks en andere BUTFF vrijwilligers een leuk festival mee te maken?
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