Sat.08 Sep

Screening Art / Crime & uitreiking BUTawards 2012

Masterclass Rémy Couture

In 2009, Rémy Couture, a special effects makeup artist from Quebec was arrested by the police. He now faces charges for obscenity and corruption of morality. Montreal's police was responding to a complaint regarding pictures coming from his website Inner The website is no loger availiable, yet the images are availible on BREAK, via Rue Morgue 666.

One must say that the images and films displayed look so realistic, the police can hardly be blamed for thinking the images were real. The level of special effects in the hands of a true master like Rémy has become this high, that no man can tell the difference anymore. This raises important artistic, ethical and unfortunately also legal questions.

ART/CRIME discusses violence, fiction and censorship in movies but also in the loosely regulated environment that the Web still represents. The documentary allows many, like underground movie director Nacho Cerda (Aftermath), Robert Morin and Patrick Senechal to present their thoughts on the matter.

Sat 08 Sep - 20:00 to 22:00
Nieuwe Veste theaterzaal

Screening Art / Crime & uitreiking BUTawards 2012

Sun 09 Sep - 14:00 to 15:45
Nieuwe Veste theaterzaal

Masterclass Rémy Couture

Send your film for BUT Filmfestival 2013!

Send your film BUTFF2013

The BUTteam is preparing the 8th edition of the BUTFF at this very moment.
Deadline for BUTFF2013 was 1 june 2013, new applications will no longer be considered.