Fri.07 Sep

Screening Afterman

After the nuclear Holocaust small groups of survivors gather food and look for shelter. No one knows how to speak anymore or how to communicate in a reasonable way. Being under constant attack, our main character tries to survive while civilisation has come to an end. In the post-apocalypse all that remains is violence, murder, rape, and...The Afterman.

The festival is very pleased to screen this rarely seen Belgian cult movie. Being part of a small scene of out-of-the-ordinary directors, it is a great example of low-budget, yet very effective filmmaking.

Fri 07 Sep - 18:00 to 19:30
Nieuwe Veste theaterzaal

Screening Afterman

Send your film for BUT Filmfestival 2013!

Send your film BUTFF2013

The BUTteam is preparing the 8th edition of the BUTFF at this very moment.
Deadline for BUTFF2013 was 1 june 2013, new applications will no longer be considered.