Fri 07 Sep '12 - 16:00 to 17:45

Screening Masks (repeat)

In the seventies Matteusz Gdula Gdula experimented with a controversial acting method at his Berlin acting school: to maximise their credibility, actors need to go to extremes to give it all.

In the present time, young and inexperienced Stella battles through many an audition, without any luck. Untill she knocks on the door of the above mentioned acting school.

Had she known her giallo's (italian horror stories), Stella should have known better..

Jaar: 2011


Send your film for BUT Filmfestival 2013!

Send your film BUTFF2013

The BUTteam is preparing the 8th edition of the BUTFF at this very moment.
Deadline for BUTFF2013 was 1 june 2013, new applications will no longer be considered.