Sat 08 Sep '12 - 18:00 to 19:15

Screening Evil (herhaling)

You can find ghost Hunters anywhere. Most of them are in for a cheap scare and come up with all kinds of scientific reasons to explain what you're seeing. In Evil some ghost hunters get more then they can handle.

After an encounter with a rather strange man join him to his house. After they leave and return they find out there's more between heaven and earth is than they expect. 

Evil is part of the BUTRR program.

Jaar: 2012

Send your film for BUT Filmfestival 2013!

Send your film BUTFF2013

The BUTteam is preparing the 8th edition of the BUTFF at this very moment.
Deadline for BUTFF2013 was 1 june 2013, new applications will no longer be considered.